The first section is Landing. If you click it, the panel will open/expand.
This is where you can manage/customize the header or landing section of the property website.
General Info
Under General Info...
1. You can edit the address title and subtitle
(Title: 185 Bradford Rd | Subtitle: Bradford Woods, PA 15015)
2. You can toggle on the “show schedule tour button” which will appear on the header of the website.
This feature enables clients to contact you directly through the site.
For the client to schedule a tour, they just need to click on the schedule tour button on the property site and they will be able to contact you directly through the site.
Once they fill this out, you will recieve an email notification with their information, allowing you to respond promptly.
Images Slider
Under Images Slider...
1. You can pick which images appear in the carousel by clicking edit and checking which images you want included.
2. You can change the order of photos (grab the 6 dots and drag them above/below/in between the others) and you can hide/unhide photos you have selected to be in the carousel (click the eyeball)
Hero Videos
Hero Videos is a feature that allows people to view this video right from the header of the website without scrolling down to the video section.
The photo carousel will still play through the photos, but if you have a video, there will be a play button overtop of the carousel they can click.
(If you have video footage taken at your appointment, this is an option available to you, or if you have an additional video you want to be featured)
This is what it looks like with and without the play button: