Booking Process

Booking Process

I Don’t Have an Account

  1. Go to

  2. Click Create an account 

3. Fill in your information in the appropriate fields

4. Once you are signed up you are all good to book! Look through the available services and choose what best fits your needs.

5. Choose your Add-Ons

6. Once you choose your services it will take you to a page where you can see your information that will be attached to your booking. Your information will autofill into these fields and can’t be changed at this stage.

7. Pivot allows you to add additional points of contact so both your team and homeowners will be updated throughout the process. (Note: Simply click the Add homeowner/team button again if you need to add additional people)

8. Fill out ALL of the booking questions, these will help determine both the length of the appointment and availability in the next steps.

9. Choose your preferred photographer/recommended option and a time that works best for you.

10. Confirm your details, agree to the terms and conditions, and submit your order!

I Do Have an Account

  1. Go to

  2. Select “I have an account”

2. You can either log in via SMS or Email


3. Whether you log in via SMS or Email, you will be sent a secure login code to access your account which you will enter in the space provided.

4. Simply enter the code found in your phone messages or email and hit “Verify Pin” on Pivot.

5. Once you are signed up you are all good to book! Look through the available services and choose what best fits your needs.

6. Choose your Add-Ons

7. Once you choose your services it will take you to a page where you can see your information that will be attached to your booking. Your information will autofill into these fields and can’t be changed at this stage.

8. Pivot allows you to add additional points of contact so both your team and homeowners will be updated throughout the process. (Note: Simply click the Add homeowner/team button again if you need to add additional people)

9. Fill out ALL of the booking questions, these will help determine both the length of the appointment and availability in the next steps.

10. Choose your preferred photographer/recommended option and a time that works best for you.

11. Confirm your details, agree to the terms and conditions, and submit your order!

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